
SCDSS Children and Youth in Foster Care Bill of Rights

Did you know that there is a bill of rights for youth who are in care? Well there is! The SCDSS Children and Youth in Foster Care Bill of Rights was written by the statewide youth advisory board GOALL (Go Out and Learn Life), to initially help the Department of Social Services (DSS) improve its Independent Living programs. South Carolina is one of the few states to have a Youth in Foster Care Bill of Rights. This document is a resource available to you to help you with learning how to respectfully advocate for yourself. Knowing what your rights are is very important and can be essential to effectively navigating the foster care system. Because of the temporary or permanent separation from parents and other family members, it is essential that the children and youth in care have special safeguards, resources, and care available to them. However, remember that it is the foster parents’ or group home’s job to supervise and make sure that you are safe and healthy. If you feel as if any of your rights are being violated, then respectfully bring this to the attention of your caseworker.

Your voice and needs matter to us and there are others out there working on your behalf as well. Read the SCDSS Youth in Foster Care Bill of Rights and keep a copy with you. Know your rights and use them when needed. After all the application of knowledge is true power.

SCDSS Children and Youth in Foster Care Bill of Rights

I have the right to: