

Are You a Father or Will You Become a Father in the Future?

Being a dad is a big job. And an important one! When dads are involved, children have brighter futures. Being a father can be frustrating, even scary at times. But if you are a father of a child or expecting a child, the SC Center for Fathers and Families offers programs designed to prepare you to be a connected, engaged, and supportive father to your child.

If you don’t have a biological child, but you’re a stepfather, adoptive father, or simply a father figure to a child, you can take advantage of these programs, too. While only current or expectant fathers are eligible for program services, the SC Center for Fathers and Families offers many valuable resources for young men. Find more information at,, or by visiting the Center’s website at


Responsible Fatherhood

The local fatherhood programs are designed to meet the needs and challenges of fathers who want to connect or reconnect and provide for their children. There are various ways young men hear about or are referred to the program, although entering the program is always on a voluntary basis.

The programs assist men in increasing their skills, overcoming obstacles and becoming engaged, responsible fathers.  Very importantly, the programs create an environment of trust and respect where fathers can express frustrations and fears and find resources and motivation to persevere and resolve their complex challenges.

Fatherhood program staff members provide one-on-one assistance to help fathers achieve individually set goals. The men receive guidance to navigate the child support system, mediation with the child's mother and other family members, access to healthcare, record expungement, transportation, finding a job, and stable housing.  

Programs partner with specialized treatment organizations to ensure provision of professional help for fathers who have issues with drugs and alcohol, anger management, or mental health needs.

The local fatherhood programs supported by the Center have collectively served more than 16,000 fathers since 2002. There are six Program Centers serving young fathers in 18 locations around the state.

(Note: Horry, Darlington, Richland, and Spartanburg locations also serve fathers or expectant fathers as young as age 15.)

To find a program in your area and to learn about the helpful programs and resources offered to young fathers and young men serving in a father role, go to or visit the South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families website at